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JDsporting specializes in Pistol permit handgun safety classes.  We are certified NRA, DCJS and retired law enforcement trainers.  We have well over 35+ years of combined knowledge in law enforcement and training.  We offer both NYS 4 hour and 18 hour classes. 

The 4 hour class is required for people who intend to poses a handgun on premise, including home, hunting and range use.  The 4 hour NYS class is also require to purchase a semi-auto rifle in NYS. This class goes over basic handgun safety, state and federal laws, use of DFP, principles of marksmanship, several penal laws, safe storage and transport. 

The 18 hours class is an in-depth class touching on all topics.

After the 18 hour course you will have proficiency in State and federal firearm laws, Conceal carry/situational awareness, conflict de-escalation and management, effects of substances, penal law 265.01-e/d; 265.45; 265.50; 922(g); 898; 400, use of DFP, principles of marksmanship with live fire, firearm functions/safety/holstering/concealment/operation and safe storage. 


This certification meets all the guide lines set for by NYS and is approved by Onondaga, Cayuga, Cortland, Oswego, and Madison Counties.

NYSPP1 - 4-hour - $65

Classroom - Introduction, NYS Law and Firearm safety Class.

$65 - Non refundable.  If you can't make it we will work with you to reschedule.

18 hour - NYS Carry conceal class with live fire - $340 

Held over 2 days - Lunch included.

$40 non-refundable online deposit required.  $300 due day of class.

If you have to move dates please notify us 48 hours before class and we can move you.

JD Sporting  -  2024 Syracuse New York - FFL - Training - Transfers - Firearm sales

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